Drostanolone Enanthate ZPHC


  • Brand: Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical
  • Country of manufacture: China
  • Release form: bottle
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Drostanolone analogue of masteron propionate, which has a long-lasting effect

Drostanolone is a unique steroid profile that has a positive effect on the body. Initially, it was used to treat breast cancer in women. In the course of multiple studies and therapeutic observations, parabolan was removed from use due to its harmful effects on the body. Only after a while experienced athletes and sports fans began to be interested in this steroid. It helped to significantly improve the physical shape and quality of the muscles.

The effectiveness of the use of drostanolone enanthate

Like any steroid substance, drostanolone enanthate has the best effect only if the established rules of use are observed, namely dietary nutrition, heavy loads and the right doses.

From the use of drostanolone, the following positive results are observed:

  • Helps maintain previously acquired muscle mass,
  • Improves relief and hardness of muscles,
  • Helps to lightly reduce body fat,
  • Increases strength and endurance,
  • Inhibits catabolic processes.

Rules for use and dosage

As with the use of other anabolics with anabolic-androgenic properties, you should be examined in advance and establish contraindications for use. Only a doctor will help prescribe the correct dosage of the substance, relying on the personal characteristics of the body of athletes. Both novice athletes and girls will be able to buy drostanolone for taking in the usual dosage at 200 mg per week.Athletes who have experience using anabolic steroids can increase the dosage up to 1000 mg per week. A harmless dose is about 400 mg. It is best to divide the use of the substance into several injections in order to maintain the stability of the hormonal background and clearly calculate your strength indicators.

The half-life of drostanolone enanthate is about 8-10 days. It is determined in the body even after 3 months, which must be taken into account by athletes participating in competitions where it is recommended to use doping control. The tool has successfully proven itself in complex use with other anabolics. The combination of several steroid drugs will show a synergistic result, which will occur in enhancing the properties of the substances.

Female athletes in their sports disciplines need to take the use of a steroid with particular caution, and it is better to use it under the supervision of a specialist or a sports doctor.

Combination table Drostanolone Enanthate ZPHC and Testosterone Enanthate

A week

Drostanolone mg/week

Enanthate mg/week


























2000 mg

2500 mg

Side effects

For Drostanolone, the price in our online store is low for buyers, which is why everyone can buy it. But it is important to observe the doses so as not to encounter the occurrence of unwanted symptoms. Adverse symptoms are most often manifested as a result of an overdose and an unauthorized increase in the duration of the cycle. Low androgenic activity helps the manifestation of such minor androgenic signs:

  • virilization,
  • acne,
  • Baldness,
  • Aggression, irritability,
  • Decreased production of endogenous male hormone.

Drostanolone enanthate does not increase blood pressure.It does not retain fluid in the body. An important property is the lack of conversion of the hormone into estrogen.

Drostanolone enanthate as long ester

There are a couple of types of injectable aas that consist of esters: testosterone, trenbolone, nandrolone, and they are also considered the most popular among strongmen. Esters with a long decay period, like enanthate, are used as injections less often than once every 7-10 days. Drostanolone buy is chosen by those who do not like to give injections often. Enanthate ester remedy is most often used on a long course.

Where can I buy Drostanolone enanthate at an affordable price in USA?

You can buy Drostanolone enanthate in our hulkshop sports pharmacology store, which specializes in the sale of high quality sports pharmacology from world famous manufacturers. We offer fast shipping, convenient cash on delivery, a wide selection of products, and a guarantee of the best quality.


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