Growth Hormone Spectros 140 IU


  • Brand: Spectrum Pharma
  • Country of manufacture: Germany
  • Release form: bottle
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Buy Spectros growth hormone is an excellent choice for athletes Contents Expand

  • Characteristics and Benefits of Spectros Growth Hormone
  • Application and dosage
  • Interaction of Spectros with other drugs
  • Side effects and contraindications for use

In pursuit of an ideal body, beautiful muscles, endurance during training and improving strength readings during competitions, athletes, whether they are athletes or bodybuilders, resort to the help of growth hormones and other sports pharmacology drugs. Spectros is a drug that has recently appeared on the sales market, but has managed to catch the fancy of athletes for its effectiveness. With its help, it will be possible to quickly build up 2-4 kg of muscle mass per course, as well as increase the relief of muscles. An equally important criterion for choosing this drug is its ability to burn body fat, which leads to weight loss. Spectros can be bought by anyone in our online store, and check its properties on personal experience.

Download Combination of growth hormone into a complex with a binding protein

Characteristics and Benefits of Spectros Growth Hormone

The drug is released in vials with powder, 10 pieces per pack. Each vial contains 12 units of the active ingredient. It is injected into the body using an insulin syringe, diluting the powder with bactericidal water in advance. The hormone is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream and has a beneficial effect on the athlete's body. The injection can be given subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

Growth hormone has a number of benefits:

  • Helps to quickly gain lean muscle mass
  • Reduces catabolic manifestations
  • Breaks down body fat for weight loss
  • Gives strength and energy
  • Increased sex drive
  • Has a low chance of side effects

In the modern world, in addition to medical purposes, growth hormone has found its place in sports disciplines. It is in great demand not only among weightlifters and bodybuilders, but also runners, marathon cyclists, swimmers, wrestlers, etc. The correct intake course gives excellent results.

Application and dosage

The injection drug is pierced with a full course to achieve maximum effect. The daily dosage of growth hormone is determined individually, taking into account the characteristics of the organism and the scope of application with a further result. On average, the daily dose is 2-10 units of the hormone for a total duration of 2-3 months. The drug perfectly copes with its task and synthesizes proteins and peptides, which are of no small importance for the body as a whole. Taking the drug does not have an androgenic effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Interaction of Spectros with other drugs

Spectros, manufactured by a well-known European company, can be used both as a solo course and in combination with other steroid anabolics. Spectros has the lowest price in our online store of sports pharmacology Hulkshop, which makes it possible to take a full course in combination with other drugs.

Side effects and contraindications for use

There is no drug that does not have at least a minimal manifestation of adverse reactions. Growth hormones are also no exception.However, you can protect yourself from their occurrence by prescribing the correct regimen created by a specialist or trainer with experience.

Among the undesirable manifestations occur:

  • Headache, dizziness
  • Visual and hearing disorders that disappear after a week of taking the drug
  • Malfunctions in the digestive tract
  • Fluid accumulation, swelling

Taking the drug is contraindicated in those who have significant problems with the kidneys, as well as the heart and lungs. In the presence of diabetes, the dose is determined by the doctor after the examination.

Spektros means, on which athletes more and more often stop their choice. It is involved in the normalization of body proportions and improves the structure of connective tissues. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve a pronounced effect and an increase in strength indicators. The positive effect of somatotropin on cartilage and joints has been proven, thanks to which the body of athletes becomes beautiful and muscular. Buy the right choice of growth hormone to achieve your goals in sports disciplines.


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