Masteron (Swiss)


  • Brand: Swiss Remedies
  • Country of manufacture: Switzerland
  • Release form: Ampoules
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Masteron buy for an effective drying course

Masteron is one of the most effective drugs that is popular among athletes and representatives of other power sports. It is distinguished by a pronounced androgenic activity and a small anabolic effect. Athletes who are fond of bodybuilding, triathlon, powerlifting choose to buy Masteron at the drying stage to add explosive strength and at the same time not go beyond their own weight group.

The history of the appearance of the drug

The main founder of Masteron, as a substance used to treat various diseases, is the pharmaceutical company Syntex Pharmaceuticals. They created the remedy for the first time in 1959, but it gained its distribution on the pharmaceutical market only in the 70s. The tool showed good results in the treatment of breast cancer in women. However, the increased degree of virilization forced the drug to be discontinued. Nevertheless, many consumers try to buy Masteron, among which there are beginners and experienced strongmen, who appreciate its highly effective effect during muscle drying.

Distinctive features

The anabolic steroid does not have the ability to transform into estrogen, but on the contrary, it is considered an aromatase blocker, which is extremely important for men. But for female representatives, its reception is contraindicated due to the tendency to virilization. You can buy Masteron in the form of injections, in the form of 2 esters of propionate and enanthate. In addition to these characteristics, anabolic in combination with the correct diet will help to rapidly reduce the content of body fat.

Usage efficiency

The result from the use of Masteron is manifested in the following positive manifestations:

  • It is a pronounced fat burner, which helps to quickly reduce the content of subcutaneous fat.
  • Gives a weak weight gain. This means a lot if there is no desire to gain excess weight, but there is a task to increase strength and endurance on the drying course.
  • Blocks the secretion of aromatase. This quality is most important for guys, since in the body, in this way, an excess amount of the female hormone will not be produced.
  • Venousness and density of muscles. It is achieved due to a moderate diuretic effect on the body.

Conditions for taking Masteron

According to the standard scheme of application, anabolic steroid can be taken for no more than ten weeks. If it is used as a fat burner, you can invest in 6 weeks. For 7 days you can drink no more than 400-600 mg. Masteron is administered mostly subcutaneously. For beginners, it is better to use a different scheme: 50 mg of a steroid on an independent cycle every other day for 6 weeks.

To increase strength, you can buy Masteron USA for joint use with a male hormone or turinabol for a period of use of 8 weeks at a dosage of not more than 400 mg.

If athletes are looking for a drying substance, it is best to combine it with oxandrolone for 2 months at a dose of 400 mg.

Side effects after taking Masteron (Swiss)

If you are determined to give preference to Masteron (Swiss), then you should be aware of the possibility of negative effects. Among them, the most common are:

  • Androgenic effect – partial baldness, irritability, nervousness, acne, virilization in girls.
  • Jumps in blood pressure, which are observed with an increased content of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Inhibition of the secretion of natural testosterone, which is due to the intake of a hormone that is included in the composition of the steroid.

To get away from negative reactions, it is worth strictly observing the prescribed dosages and not exceeding the duration of the course.

Where to buy Masteron propionate in USA?

Masteron propionate can be bought inexpensively in our online store hulk shop. The site has most of the drugs that are used in bodybuilding and other sports disciplines, and this is not all of our advantages. We sell original products from manufacturers, as well as qualified assistance in the selection of aas. Delivery is possible to every city of USA in advance or with payment upon receipt.


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