Parabolan (Trenbolone H)


  • Brand: GenoPharm
  • Country of manufacture: Israel
  • Release form: Ampoules
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Parabolan is a potent anabolic for gaining muscle mass and improving strength performance.

Parabolan is the brand name of a steroid known to all athletes, namely, trenbolone. But in the product it is not in its pure form, but as an active ingredient, hexahydrobenzyl carbonate dissolved in ether. The peculiarity of anabolic is that the oil is not famous for the same prevalence as acetate or enanthate. However, it is no worse than its counterparts. Buying Parabolan or giving preference to another steroid is a personal matter for any athlete.

Anabolic properties

Parabolan is not made by a huge number of manufacturers. This is not at all connected with its obscurity, but due to the lack of sufficient information about the drug. This anabolic steroid is not recommended for beginners. Most often, the parabolan course is chosen by professional athletes and amateurs who have experience in taking sports pharmacology.

Many strongmen want to buy steroid substances, and here you need to choose high-quality products that will show the maximum effect from use. The composition of the drug contains the active ingredient trenbolone hexahydrobenzyl carbonate in a proportion of 100 mg per 1 ml of solution. The decay period of ether varies about 10 days, which is several times longer than that of acetate. This gives a chance not to make injections as often as possible, but only once a week.

The effectiveness of Parabolan in injections

Trenbolone is not in vain the most powerful anabolic anabolic in modern pharmacology, because it produces a strong result, which is expressed in high anabolism and low androgenic effects. Parabolan price USA is not very high, so every bodybuilder can afford to go through the cycle. Parabolan can be credited to the progestin group, which means that the drug does not contribute to an increase in the female hormone, however, it has an effect on the prolactin content, which should not be overlooked. The opinion that swelling of the mammary glands cannot appear becomes erroneous, since prolactin, just like estrogen, awakens gynecomastia and causes fluid retention in the body, which leads to further edema. But this will not happen if bodybuilders use the correct dosages and use the rest of the excipients on the cycle.

What manifestations can be achieved when taking Parabolan:

  • A pronounced ability to build muscle mass, up to about 10 kg per course.
  • The rapid growth of indicators of strength.
  • Increasing the background of insulin-like growth factor.
  • Decreased cortisol levels.
  • Stimulation for training and high loads.

Application of the anabolic steroid Parabolan (Trenbolone H)

For those who wish to use Parabolan (Trenbolone H) on a solo cycle and have doubts, the answer will become obvious, because the product shows its characteristics best in complex use. Most often, the drug is used in combination to improve the results of the course, but this is not one reason. It also helps to reduce the number of negative reactions.Experienced strongmen who have already resorted to the use of aas want to buy Parabolan USA.

According to the instructions, injections are important to do once every 2 weeks. Despite this, experienced athletes resort to higher dosages in order to more easily achieve tangible results. It is for this reason that they give injections 2 times a week from time to time even daily, combining with other means.

Parabolan does not need to be used for a long period. The maximum allowable time of use is about 2 months, much will depend on the intensity of the injections.

Table of reception of the course Parabolan solo

A week

Parabolan mg/week


Mon. 100 mg – Avg. 100 mg – Fri. 100 mg


Mon. 100 mg – Avg. 100 mg – Fri. 100 mg


Mon. 100 mg – Avg. 100 mg – Fri. 100 mg


Mon. 100 mg – Avg. 100 mg – Fri. 100 mg


Mon. 100 mg – Avg. 100 mg – Fri. 100 mg


Mon. 100 mg – Avg. 100 mg – Fri. 100 mg


Mon. 100 mg – Avg. 100 mg – Fri. 100 mg


Mon. 100 mg – Avg. 100 mg – Fri. 100 mg

Adverse symptoms from use

As for the manifestation of unwanted symptoms, you should be aware that due to the increase in the content of prolactin in the body, the production of the natural male hormone decreases, which leads to a decrease in libido. This occurs as a result of exceeding the dosage of the steroid above 600 mg per week. Also, unpleasant symptoms can be observed if athletes ignore the passage of post-cycle therapy and other additional medications on the cycle.

Side effects may include:

  • increased sweating,
  • Urine color change
  • Pain in the kidneys, manifestation of blood in the urine.
  • Since the drug has a harmful effect on the urinary system, it is necessary to consume 3 liters of fluid per day on the course in order to promote a pronounced elimination of toxins from the body.

    Where to buy Parabolan in USA?

    You can buy Parabolan in the Hulk Shop online store, where you can choose from a wide range of sports pharmacology. Here, every athlete, whether a beginner or a professional, will be able to buy steroid courses at an affordable price. Delivery is made within 1-2 days to any city in USA.


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