Peptide PT-141
Peptides RT 141 are analogues of Melanotan, from which it was possible to isolate a separate chain responsible for increased libido, improving the functioning of the reproductive system. The drug has an effect as an aphrodisiac on men and women equally.
Scope of PT-141
The drug does not have a tablet form, the release comes in vials of 10 mg. The peptide can be compared with Viagra very indirectly: in addition to the effect on erection, PT141 causes an increase in sexual desire in general. In common practice, it is used to treat erectile dysfunction.
Athletes who are fond of strength sports saw it as a benefit for recovery after cycles of anabolic steroids. The fact is that testosterone introduced from the outside leads to the blocking of its self-production. Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a course of post-cycle therapy to establish the normal functioning of the body. Taking the peptide restores the production of luteinizing hormone, and with it the normal production of your own testosterone.
Benefits of using a peptide:
- suitable for PCT after a course of AAS,
- the action begins a couple of hours after the injection, lasts up to 8-10 hours,
- restores sexual function,
- stimulates the production of melanin (to a lesser extent than Melatonin,
- equally affects women and men, increasing sexual desire,
- at observance of the recommended dosage, does not cause side effects.
How to take PT peptides – 141
The powder in the vial is carefully diluted with saline or water for injection.In order not to break the peptide chains, the liquid is poured slowly along the wall of the vial, the composition should dissolve on its own, without shaking and mechanical stirring. Store the diluted drug in the refrigerator for up to 20 days. The optimal dosage is 100 mcg.
You can buy PT-141 peptides at a low price in the Hulkshop online store.
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