Growth hormone Norditropin Simplexx (Norditropin Simplexx)


  • Brand: Novo Nordisk
  • Country of manufacture: Denmark
  • Release form: Cartridge


Key Features of Norditropin Growth Hormone Contents Expand

  • Benefits of Norditropin Growth Hormone
  • The use of Norditropin Simplex in sports
  • Side effects and contraindications for use
  • Interaction with drugs
  • It is always profitable to buy Norditropin in the online store

It is not always possible to limit oneself to physical training in order to have a beautiful, pumped-up body. In order for the effect to be one hundred percent, more and more athletes, weightlifters and not only resort to the use of special preparations that provide rapid muscle growth and an increase in relief. Among bodybuilders, such a remedy as growth hormone Norditropin has gained popularity. Initially, the hormonal drug was produced for medical purposes to treat insufficient growth in children. However, the observation showed that the drug contributes to the rapid set of muscle mass and improves endurance during training. Buy Norditropin Simplex can be any athlete who wants to improve his body through special preparations.

Benefits of Norditropin Growth Hormone

The main principle of the action of a synthetic hormone is the rapid growth of bone tissue and the activation of human somatics. The drug helps to speed up the metabolism in the body. The main active substance of the drug somatropin, compensates for the lack of natural growth hormone, quickly and effectively builds up lean muscle mass, increases endurance, and helps burn body fat.

Every athlete, bodybuilder or bodybuilder, before starting to take the drug, should know that the first time, and this is approximately 4 weeks, the bone mass will subside, which is normal. This effect has a temporary effect and is due to the resorption process. Soon after the weight loss, it will begin to gain.

The use of Norditropin Simplex in sports

Among the main consumers of injections, first of all, people with a lack of growth hormone and athletes who try to build muscle, increase strength and endurance through training. The drug is especially popular among weightlifters, powerlifters and bodybuilders.

The order of administration and dosage of Norditropin in different sports disciplines differ significantly from those prescribed in the instructions.

To achieve the desired effect, you must:

  • Carry out daily intake of funds for 5-6 months,
  • individually calculate the dose for each athlete
  • strictly adhere to the sports regime and nutrition
  • control the room temperature.
  • The dosage regimen is determined individually, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the desired end result. Usually the daily dosage is 0.07-0.1 IU/kg or 0.14-0.2 IU/kg every other day. The drug is administered subcutaneously and intramuscularly, best of all in the evening.

    Side effects and contraindications for use

    Not a single drug is absolutely safe for the body and does not entail various failures of a particular system. In order to buy growth hormone, you need to protect yourself from such manifestations, it is recommended to study the effect of the drug, its dosage and rules of administration well.

    Possible side effects include:

    • disruption of the endocrine system: hypothyroidism, hyperglycemia
    • local allergic reactions: soreness at the injection site, rash, itching
    • swelling, fluid accumulation
    • headache, migraine, dizziness
    • visual impairment
    • the appearance of nausea and other dyspeptic disorders
    • limb numbness, joint pain

    Contraindications are no less important. It is worth refraining from taking the drug if there are:

    • malignant neoplasms, tumors
    • intracranial hypertension
    • pregnancy and breastfeeding period
    • individual hypersensitivity to somatropin
    • respiratory failure
    • severe kidney disease

    Athletes, except for those who have an individual intolerance to the drug, can use the drug for personal purposes without unnecessary fear, subject to the condition of a competent dosage distribution by the coach.

    Also, taking growth hormone is prohibited for those who have already completed the process of bone growth. It is used with extreme caution in diabetics, so blood sugar control is required.

    Interaction with drugs

    When used with corticosteroids, the effectiveness of somatropin decreases. The effect of growth hormone on final growth may change with simultaneous therapy with other hormonal agents, namely: gonadotropins, anabolics, estrogen and thyroid hormones.

    It is always profitable to buy Norditropin in the online store

    On Norditropin Simplex, the price in the Halkshop online store of sports pharmacology will pleasantly please customers with its availability. Anyone can purchase the product with fast delivery throughout Ukraine.


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