Modafinil (Modafresh 200)


  • Brand: Sunrise Remedies
  • Country of manufacture: India
  • Release form: Tablets
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Features of the drug Modafinil (Modafresh 200)

Modafinil from Sunrise Remedies is manufactured in India and is of high quality. It is used in routine medical practice to treat depression, severe sleep disorders such as narcolepsy (severe and uncontrollable sleepiness), and to reduce the negative symptoms of attention deficit disorder and motor activity (ADHD).

At the same time, Modafinil increases efficiency, makes the body work to its fullest, and improves mood.

It is considered an understudied drug, but it is successfully used in many countries, especially in the USA, where it is sold by prescription in all pharmacies.

It is also used in sports pharmacology, most often during periods of increased stress and before competitions.

What does taking Modafinil do?

  • The production of serotonin and dopamine is stimulated with the activation of their receiving receptors, and a command is also given not to remove them from the blood. Thus, the mood rises, the brain begins to work more actively.
  • The neurotrophic factor of the brain is stimulated, which helps to maintain and restore the memory system, and produces its reactivation.
  • The health of synapses improves, resistance to stress and greater psycho-emotional stress increases.
  • There is an inhibition of GABA and an increase in the level of glutamate, as a result, excitation appears, the stimulating effect is enhanced.
  • The level of production of norepinephrine rises, giving a burst of energy.
  • Thus, the medication increases resistance to stress, helps to quickly cope with strong loads of a different nature.

    Side effects of Modafresh 200

    The drug belongs to potent drugs and requires a serious attitude. You can use it in short time intervals, strictly following the attached instructions. In case of an overdose, hallucinations of a different nature, convulsions are possible. In this case, you must immediately stop taking the medication and consult a doctor. Long-term use leads to the complete depletion of one's own resources, causing an increase in negative symptoms.

    Where to buy Modafinil (Modafresh 200)?

    You can buy Modafinil (Modafresh 200) in USA at a low price in the online store Delivery is possible by mail to any location, there is a cash on delivery when making an advance payment in the amount of one hundred hryvnia. Experienced specialists are ready to advise you by phone numbers listed on the website.


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