Myo+ Myostatin (YK-11)


  • Brand: Special Force Pharm
  • Country of manufacture: USA
  • Release form: Capsules
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Buy Myo+ Myo+ (YK-11) SARM for Bone Muscle Growth Contents Expand

  • Mechanism of action
  • Dosage of Myostatin
  • Side effects from Myo+
  • Contraindications
  • Where to buy Myo+ Myostatin (YK-11)?

Myo + Myostatin is an excellent, and most importantly, non-steroidal, safe analogue of testosterone. Used by athletes to reduce weight, rapid fat burning with weight gain due to the growth of high-quality muscle mass. Taking the drug does not cause complications in the form of gynecomastia, does not affect the natural synthesis of testosterone. Sarm YK11 promotes:

  • improvement of sports indicators of endurance and strength,
  • lose weight,
  • drying by reducing fat reserves,
  • increase muscle growth
  • highlight the drawing of muscles, enhance relief.

You can buy Myostatin inexpensively on our website to maintain good physical shape and increase endurance.

Mechanism of action

Myostatin is a selective androgen receptor regulator. It is involved in stimulating the production of the signal protein follistatin by the human body, the main task of which is to block the production of myostatin. The peptide, in turn, prevents an increase in muscle mass. Due to the intake of Myostatin in the body, the content of the hormone decreases, the decrease of which causes a natural increase in muscle tissue. Positive dynamics can be observed only in response to enhanced training. Also, the active substance thickens the bone muscles, while not strengthening the connective tissues.That is why, the tool will more effectively manifest itself in a complex application.

Dosage of Myostatin

The drug is produced in the form of capsules for convenient oral use. One piece contains 10 mg of the active substance. Daily dose 10-20 mg. It is recommended to divide the daily dose into morning and evening intake. The maximum effect for obtaining the expected results will be achieved when taking a course of 4-8 weeks.

Side effects from Myo+

Unlike steroid drugs, adverse reactions in SARMs do not have such a harmful effect on the body. It is recommended to stick to dosages and not increase them yourself.

Other unwanted reactions include:

  • Aggression. The drug leads to hormonal disruptions, as a result of which mood swings, outbursts of anger can occur.
  • Joint pain. The result of a forced increase in muscle mass.
  • Hepatotoxicity.


Despite the unexpressed side effects, the drug also has no special contraindications for use. It is important to remember that the active substance tends to reduce the level of natural testosterone production, the restoration of which is carried out within 3 months. To restore the body and consolidate the result, PCT is recommended.

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Where to buy Myo+ Myostatin (YK-11)?

Myostatin Myo+ is available for sale in the online sports pharmacology store Hulk Shop at an affordable price that cannot be ignored. We guarantee high quality of all products, fast delivery to any city in USA.


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