Parabolan (Trenirox H)


  • Brand: Cipla
  • Country of manufacture: India
  • Release form: bottle
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Parabolan is a powerful anabolic for gaining muscle mass and increasing strength

Parabolan is the trade name of an anabolic known to all strongmen, in particular, trenbolone. But in the preparation it is not contained in its pure form, but as an active ingredient, hexahydrobenzyl carbonate dissolved in ether. The peculiarity of the drug lies in the fact that the oil is not famous for the same prevalence as acetate or enanthate. However, it is no worse than its counterparts. Buying Parabolan or giving preference to another anabolic is a personal matter for every strongman.

Quality of the steroid

Parabolan is not made by many manufacturers. This is not at all related to its unpopularity, but due to the lack of sufficient information about the drug. This anabolic steroid is prohibited for beginners. Most often, the parabolan course is selected for themselves by experienced athletes and amateurs who have experience in using sports pharmacology.

Most bodybuilders choose to buy steroids, and it is recommended here to choose original products that will give the maximum result from consumption. The composition of the drug contains the active substance trenbolone hexahydrobenzyl carbonate in a proportion of 100 mg per 1 ml of solution. The withdrawal period of ether lasts approximately ten days, which is a couple of times longer than that of acetate. This makes it possible not to inject extremely actively, but only once a week.

The effectiveness of Parabolan (Trenirox H) in injections

Parabolan (Trenirox H) is not in vain becoming the most powerful anabolic steroid in modern pharmacology, because it has a fast effect that occurs in a high level of anabolism and low androgenic effects. Parabolan price USA is not very high, so every athlete can afford to take the course. Parabolan can be classified as a progestin, which means that the drug does not increase estrogen levels, however, it has an effect on prolactin levels, which should not be overlooked. The opinion that gynecomastia cannot occur is erroneous, since prolactin, just like estrogen, provokes swelling of the mammary glands and causes water retention in the body, which leads to further swelling. But this will not happen if athletes use the correct doses and take other excipients on the course.

What kind of reactions can be achieved during the passage of Parabolan:

  • Pronounced ability to build muscle mass, up to approximately ten kg in a single cycle.
  • Massive increase in strength.
  • Increasing the balance of insulin-like growth factor.
  • Decrease in cortisol concentration.
  • Stimulation for training and increased loads.
  • The use of anabolic

    For those who want to drink Parabolan on a solo course and doubt, the answer will be obvious, because the ideal substance shows its qualities in a combined application. Most often, the substance is taken in combination to improve the effects of the cycle, but this is not the only reason. It also helps to reduce the number of bad symptoms. Parabolan USA is chosen by professional athletes who have already resorted to the use of anabolic steroids.

    According to the instructions, injections must be given every 2 weeks. Despite this, professional athletes are turning to higher dosages in order to achieve a visible effect faster. It is for this reason that they make injections 2 times a week, sometimes even every day, combining with other drugs.

    Parabolan is forbidden to use a long segment. The maximum allowable intake time is approximately 8 weeks, everything will depend on the severity of the injection.

    Table of use of the Parabolan solo cycle

    A week

    Parabolan mg/week


    Mon. 100 mg – Avg. 100 mg – Fri. 100 mg


    Mon. 100 mg – Avg. 100 mg – Fri. 100 mg


    Mon. 100 mg – Avg. 100 mg – Fri. 100 mg


    Mon. 100 mg – Avg. 100 mg – Fri. 100 mg


    Mon. 100 mg – Avg. 100 mg – Fri. 100 mg


    Mon. 100 mg – Avg. 100 mg – Fri. 100 mg


    Mon. 100 mg – Avg. 100 mg – Fri. 100 mg


    Mon. 100 mg – Avg. 100 mg – Fri. 100 mg

    Side effects from the use

    As for the manifestation of side effects, it is worth being aware that due to an increase in the level of prolactin in the body, the secretion of endogenous sex hormone decreases, which leads to a decrease in sexual desire. This happens due to the excess dose of anabolic over 600 mg per week. Also, adverse reactions can occur if bodybuilders ignore the passage of PCT and other auxiliary medications on the course.

    Undesirable effects may include:

    • increased sweating,
    • dark urine,
    • Pain in the kidneys, the appearance of blood in the urine.

    Since the substance has a negative effect on the urinary system, it is worth drinking 3 liters of water per day on a cycle to promote the rapid removal of toxins from the body.

    Where to buy Parabolan in USA?

    There is an opportunity to buy Parabolan in the hulkshop web store, where a wide selection of sports pharmacology is offered for selection. Here, every bodybuilder, whether a beginner or a professional, will be able to buy ready-made steroid courses inexpensively. Delivery is made within 1-2 days to any city in USA.


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