

  • Brand: Special Force Pharm
  • Country of manufacture: USA
  • Release form: Capsules
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Reverol+Andarin Drying and Bumping Course Contents Expand

  • How does Reverol work?
  • Mechanism of action of Andarine
  • Reverol + Andarin their principle of operation
  • Reverol+Andarine course intake table
  • The effectiveness of the combination Reverol + Andarine
  • Buy a course of Reverol + Andarin in Ukraine

Reverol + Andarin is a non-steroidal course designed to reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat and relief. Thanks to a unique combination of drugs that have a powerful effect on the body, it will be possible to burn the remains of body fat and achieve a beautiful drawing of muscles. The complex is widely used in forming cycles, as well as during competitions. Athletes, beginners, amateurs can use the anabolic ligament to reduce weight, improve health, strengthen muscle and connective tissues.

How does Reverol work?

Reverol (SR9009) is a selective androgen receptor modulator. It cannot be attributed to steroids, peptides or hormones, but it has a pronounced anabolic effect. When exposed to the active substance, the Rev-Erb protein is activated, which entails a number of positive changes, which include:

  • an increase in the number of mitochondria in muscle tissues and fibers,
  • decrease in the rate of triglyceride synthesis,
  • rapid burning of fatty acids,
  • normalization of glucose metabolism,
  • lowering cholesterol levels.

Reverol not only makes it possible to quickly lose weight, but also allows you to achieve high sports results. Performs a protective function against serious diseases.

Mechanism of action of Andarine

Andarine (S-4) is the same selective modulator as its companion in the bundle. It was created for use in therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, to solve problems of the musculoskeletal system related to osteoporosis, muscle atrophy and other age-related changes. Andarin promotes:

  • stimulation of anabolic processes,
  • acceleration of protein synthesis,
  • prevents the loss of muscle mass in diseases,
  • increased mineralization of bone tissue,
  • burning body fat through the process of lipolysis.

The S-4 modulator with an excellent safety profile has become popular among bodybuilders, fitness athletes.

Reverol + Andarin their principle of operation

The combination of Reverol and Andarine is unique and unrepeatable in its way. Both substances are highly active in the breakdown of fats. They deftly cope with the normalization of carbohydrate metabolism, increase energy consumption in training and sports competitions.

Reverol+Andarine course intake table

A week

Reverol capsules/per day

Andarine capsules/per day


























56 capsules

112 capsules

The effectiveness of the combination Reverol + Andarine

Modulators Reverol and S-4 Andarin are an ideal combination of preparations for forming cycles. Their use in sports enhances the fat-burning effect in the body, and at times increases the productivity, endurance of bodybuilders, athletes of various levels during exercise and the state without training. It should be remembered that the priority on the drying course remains the main task of maintaining muscle mass. Andarin is excellent at fighting the inhibition of destructive catabolism. Athletes of a professional level have an increase in strength indicators and a reduction in the recovery period after good loads. Another important benefit is the reduction of pain in the joints and muscles.

Effects of the anabolic course Reverolol + Andarine:

  • Improving the shape of the athlete's body.
  • Increasing the density of skeletal tissues.
  • Drawing of veins.
  • Strengthening the relief of muscles.
  • Improving the growth of speed and strength.
  • Increasing the level of endurance.
  • Fast recovery.

Buy a course of Reverol + Andarin in Ukraine

You can buy a complex for drying in the online store of sports pharmacology Hulk Shop at an affordable price, choosing the appropriate course, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and wishes.


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