Testosterone propionate (Testo P)


  • Brand: Zillt Medicine
  • Country of manufacture: Germany
  • Release form: Ampoules
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Product Description Testosterone Propionate (Testo P) Zillt Medicine

The steroid testosterone propionate (Testo P) is produced by the world-famous company Zillt Medicine, which cares about the direct consumers of its products and offers only effective and high-quality pharmaceutical preparations according to its own unique formula. It was originally created for various indicators of muscle mass and strength, but due to its pharmacological properties, this pharmaceutical preparation is more often used for cutting. Testo P (Testosterone Propionate) is best ordered from a reputable retailer who provides a high quality product, not a non-performing pacifier or a counterfeit one that can harm the health of the athlete.

Benefits of propionate (Testo P) in bodybuilding

Professional heavy sport requires maximum physical fitness, which competitors strive to achieve in order to receive prizes. Testo P quickly ceases to work in the body (on average 3 days), so it is recommended to administer the drug once a day.

This reaction is caused by an increased anabolic and androgenic effect (100%). If you are buying Testo P (testosterone propionate) and taking a course that lasts approximately 6 weeks, you will need PCT as the pharmaceutical is prone to aromatization. PCT often contains aromatase inhibitors of the standard Proviron regimen. Also not in post-cycle therapy without tamoxifen, and finally need to pay attention to cortisol blockers.

Course and dosage of Testo P Zilt Medicine

Even so, propionate is not toxic to the liver. 50 mg injections are administered once a day or every other day. The peak of active effects on the body falls on the day of the injection and weakens within 24 hours (sometimes 36)

The correct dosage for the athlete will allow you not to retain fluids in the body. When other similar AAS are working on a large set of muscle mass, testosterone propionate makes it more dense and draws quality relief.

If a bodybuilder has an allergic reaction, most often it manifests itself in a solvent (oil), then the allergy will not affect health in any way due to the rapid interaction of pharmaceuticals with the body. Testosterone proionate Testo P can also be used by novice athletes. However, the dosage and mode of administration is determined only by a doctor or trainer.


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