Tri Trenbolone Magnus


  • Brand: Magnus Pharmaceuticals
  • Country of manufacture: India
  • Release form: bottle
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Trenbolone mix combination of three forms in one preparation

Trenbolone Mix is ​​a powerful anabolic that exists among the pharmacological drugs on the market. It consists of 3 ester forms, specifically: acetate, enanthate and hexahydrobenzyl carbonate. If you take any of them separately, then it is possible to note that they are extremely strong substances. Their androgenic and anabolic activity is quite strong. At first, trenbolone was used only for medical purposes and in the treatment of animals, but very quickly it embraced power sports. Today, athletes, athletes and powerlifters choose to buy a trenbolone mix for themselves, whose main goal is to quickly gain a significant amount of mass.


The composition of the product contains 3 esterified derivatives of trenbolone, which are in equal proportions. Tritren itself as a steroid is not new on the market, it has been used in sports disciplines for many years. It was developed back in the 1960s for the purpose of consumption in veterinary medicine to increase the weight of livestock and animals. As a result, the positive characteristics of the drug were appreciated by bodybuilders and representatives of power sports. Thus, it has become the most popular steroid in existence.

Properties of trenbolone mix

In the circle of sportsmen, the substance is called Tritren. It was first developed by British Dragon around the 2000s. However, there is one distinctive feature: a successful combination allows you to keep your hormonal levels normal. This is due to the fact that each ingredient has a different half-life.And, for example, if the acetate expires after 2 days, then immediately after it, enanthate is activated, followed by hexahydrobenzyl carbonate, which are active for two weeks.

All professional bodybuilders want to buy Trenbolone mix for its main quality, the maximum set of muscles, which is unrealistic to achieve when using other anabolic steroids. In addition, the drug raises the indicators of endurance and strength of strongmen, retains nitrogen in the body, which widely protects muscle tissue from destruction, and suppresses the secretion of cortisol. Another important advantage of the drug is its inability to aromatize, so athletes do not promise gynecomastia.

Benefits of Tri Trenbolone Magnus and application scheme

With the help of a mix of esters of trenbolone, you can achieve the following results:

  • The increase in dry weight is approximately 10-15 kg per course,
  • A sharp increase in endurance and strength, which is facilitated by a massive androgenic effect.
  • Fat burning. Will give results with the right diet. Can be achieved by increasing the production of fifr,
  • Decreased levels of cortisol
  • No rollback phenomenon
  • The acquisition of relief and solid muscles thanks to the removal of excess water,
  • An increase in libido only during the period of use of the drug.

Tritren buy most often try to use a solo cycle. Such a cycle has a duration of no more than 6 weeks, with the parallel use of gonadotropin for 2 months. Trenbolone Mix in injections is done 2 times a week at a dosage of 400 mg. Gonadotropin at a dose of 500 units. It is recommended to use only once a week, starting from the second week of the cycle and until its very end.

Upon termination of the trenbolone mix cycle after 2 weeks, it is also recommended to undergo post-cycle therapy, using Clomid for this at a dose of 100 mg for the first 5 days, and 50 mg for the next 10 days.

If you want to prevent the appearance of bad signs, you will have to strictly follow many consumption rules, because trenbolone mix is ​​​​a kind of heavy artillery.

You can also choose a trenbolone mix for a joint cycle. In most cases, Masteron or Stanozolol acts as a concomitant during the drying period and to improve strength, and a male hormone to build high-quality muscle mass.

Adverse symptoms

Unpleasant manifestations from the consumption of a mixture of ethers appear in the same way as from each of them separately. Most often appear:

  • sleep disorders,
  • Rash, acne,
  • blood pressure improvements,
  • Hair loss on the head
  • Increased oiliness of the skin.

Fortunately, estrogen and progesterone bad manifestations are not observed when using the mix.

Since there is an inhibition of the production of endogenous testosterone at the end of the cycle, a weak erection and a decrease in libido may disturb. Too long use of the drug or refusal of PCT can be a prerequisite for testicular atrophy.

There is also a slight effect on the kidneys and liver.

Where to buy trenbolone mix cheap?

You can buy Tritren USA in the Halkshop anabolic steroid store, which has everything you need to improve the physical fitness of professional athletes. You can also buy peptides from us, which are used not only by experienced bodybuilders, but also by beginners in professional sports. Affordable prices will help you quickly find the right option for each special occasion. Delivery is fast, all over the country.


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