Turinabol (Genofarm)


  • Brand: GenoPharm
  • Country of manufacture: Israel
  • Release form: Tablets
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Turinabol from Genopharm buy for a relief body Contents Expand

  • History of the drug
  • Mechanism of action and effect Turinabol Genopharm
  • Application and dosage of Turinabola Genopharm
  • Complex use of Turinabola Genopharm
  • Side effects
  • Why is it worth buying Turinabol in our online store?

Turinabol Genopharm is the most powerful steroid, the main active ingredient is 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone-AS, which is produced by different pharmacological companies under different trade names. It is one of the best-selling substances in all of Europe, which is used in steroid cycles to increase muscle mass. The Hulk Shop steroids store gives top conditions to buy Turinabol at the best price.

History of the drug

Turinabol was discovered in 1965 by a German academician, namely Jenapharm GmbH & Co., who was looking for a drug specifically for the needs of the Olympic team members participating in the weightlifting category. For several decades now, this anabolic has not lost its features and has a reputation among strong men and bodybuilders, and other representatives of sports disciplines. It was thanks to this drug that German athletes achieved crazy performance during competitions. Anyone who is engaged in wrestling is obliged to buy Turinabol, because, in comparison with other drugs of similar composition, it does not aromatize into estrogen at all, which means it does not lead to side effects such as male gynecomastia and fluid retention in the body.This steroid does not have high androgenic qualities, so it can also be used by women, without fear of the virilization effect, when taking the correct doses.

Mechanism of action and effect Turinabol Genopharm

Due to its underestimated activity of androgens – 50% of the test, and a pronounced anabolic effect – 180%, the drug is taken in courses for strength. In addition, he perfectly showed his effectiveness in periods of drying and shaping beautiful, relief muscles. Turinabol alone or in combination with various anabolics identically shows an excellent effect, which attracts weightlifters and bodybuilders. Turinabol Genopharm is distinguished by a rather long effect after it enters the body of a bodybuilder. The active substance is able to create dry, not badly defined and dense muscles, it perfectly multiplies the strength parameters of the CrossFit. The most important advantage of turik is its rapid decay period.

There are several reasons to buy Turinabol:

  • no water retention. And for what, mass gain is just muscles,
  • no need for PCT (since the drug does not aromatize),
  • strength increase,
  • the substance practically does not suppress the production of natural testosterone (the normal functioning of the glands is restored within a week after the completion of the course of steroids),
  • not a bad increase in sexual libido. This applies not only to males, but also to women.
  • Application and dosage of Turinabola Genopharm

    Turinabol Ukraine for personal use can be bought by both beginners and professionals, and for the fact that Turinabol is one of the most non-dangerous and simple.

    The cycle takes 7 weeks, and the required dose for beginners is 40 mg per day and is divided into two identical doses.Pyramid regimen is not recommended. For experienced CrossFitters, the dose is 40-70mg each day. it is this dose that will make it possible to achieve a rapid increase in mass and strength.

    For female athletes, the daily dose should not exceed 5-10 mg.

    Complex use of Turinabola Genopharm

    Turinabol can also be bought in Kyiv for use in combination with other equally effective sports pharmacology drugs.

    For weight gain, as a rule, the Enanthate or Omnadren + Turinabol test is used. But, do not forget that turik in large dosages, and even in a place with similar anabolics, can have a detrimental toxic effect on the liver.

    The relief cycle consists of Turinabola Genopharm in conjunction with Parabolan or Boldenone. Thanks to this mix, it will be possible to build a cool figure with a traced relief, to which every athlete goes. The price of Turinabol is affordable, so it is possible to go through a full cycle to get the maximum effect.

    At the end of any of all courses, it is strongly recommended to carry out post-course therapy with drugs that stimulate the production of an endogenous test.

    Side effects

    Undesirable effects can be observed when taking any remedy without exception. Before you buy Turinabol in Ukraine, you need to familiarize yourself with the possible negative results when using a steroid drug.

    Most often observed:

    • May cause rashes, pimples and other skin problems
    • The development of cardiovascular disease
    • testicular atrophy,
    • May also cause hormonal imbalance,
    • Effects on the liver
    • Inhibition of natural testosterone production.

    Most of these side effects are temporary and quickly disappear after dose reduction or the end of the course with PCT.

    Why is it worth buying Turinabol in our online store?

    Turinabol Ukraine is possible to order in the Hulkshop sports pharmacology store, you just have to make a purchase and we will quickly deliver the goods to the city you specified. We offer customers the opportunity to purchase products of excellent quality from trusted manufacturers at a cheap cost, which is important in the world of anabolics. We will provide high-quality advice, choose an effective course according to your request. It is always easy and simple to buy from us, without leaving home.


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