Viagra Malegra 50 mg


  • Brand: Sunrise Remedies
  • Country of manufacture: India
  • Release form: Tablets
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Buy Malegra 50 mg Small Tablet But Powerful Help Contents Expand

  • Malegra generic drug known to everyone
  • Taking the drug and dosage
  • MALEGRA 50 mg contraindications
  • Side effects
  • Where to buy Malegra 50 mg?

Nowadays, the modern world is filled with an excess of technology, computer technology, hard work, which in turn entails a sedentary lifestyle and problems in the sexual life of men of different age groups. Athletes who are actively involved in sports, participate in competitions and for all this take steroid drugs are no exception, which in turn affect libido and erection. Buy Malegra 50 mg, which means rid yourself of erectile dysfunction problems! Thanks to these pills, men will be able to increase their potency and make sex a better and more enjoyable process.

Malegra generic drug known to everyone

Malegra 50 mg is a generic of the original Viagra, which helps to quickly resolve the problems of the reproductive system, no worse than the original. The effectiveness of the drug is provided by the active substance Sildenafil, which has a positive effect on the body. In addition, the composition of the drug includes other innovative components. Which improve the effectiveness of the drug and increase the rate of excretion of residues from the body.

Malegra has many advantages that make it so popular among athletes:

  • The unique formula of the drug
  • Possibility of several sexual acts in a certain period of time
  • Non toxicity
  • Minimum contraindications
  • Affordable cost
  • Taking the drug and dosage

    The active substance provides a rush of blood to the small pelvis, after which men begin to feel an influx of strength to the penis. The initial dose should not exceed 50 mg, because this is the optimal dosage for those who are trying potency pills for the first time. Usually this dose is enough to provide an erection for 5 hours. If the desired effect is absent, it is recommended to buy a drug with a higher dosage. It is better to take the pill one hour before the intended sexual intercourse.

    MALEGRA 50 mg contraindications

    • Contraindications for the drug are no different from other potency pills with the same effect.
    • It is undesirable to combine it with alcoholic beverages, as this can lead to increased side effects.
    • It is forbidden to take pills to persons under the age of majority.
    • Use with caution in the elderly.
    • You can not combine the drug with other drugs for erectile dysfunction.

    Side effects

    The list of adverse reactions and contraindications for Sildenafil is rather large, therefore, before taking it, it is recommended that you read the full instructions and consult a doctor.

    May appear:

    • Headache, dizziness
    • Nausea, bouts of vomiting
    • visual impairment
    • Rhinitis, nasal congestion
    • Lethargy, desire to sleep
    • Pain in the sternum

    If any reactions occur, the drug should be discontinued until consultation.

    Where to buy Malegra 50 mg?

    This is an ideal option for men of all ages, as evidenced by numerous reviews and popularity among buyers. It will help, both to establish the work of the reproductive system, and to give new interesting sensations. If you want to buy Malegra 50 mg in our Hulk Shop online store, you will receive high-quality sports pharmacology products, fast delivery to any city and money savings due to affordable prices.


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