Cenforce D (Sildenafil + Dapoxetine)


  • Brand: Centurion Laboratories
  • Country of manufacture: India
  • Release form: Tablets


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  • Action CENFORCE D
  • Who should buy CENFORCE D
  • Application and dosage
  • Contraindications for use
  • Buy CENFORCE D in Ukraine

Men are increasingly faced with problems of an intimate nature. Someone because of age, someone wants more thrills, and someone takes drugs and got impotence as a side effect. Do not lose heart, because modern pharmacology can offer a way out of this situation. Pills for potency can be bought by anyone who has an indisposition in their sexual life. The main task of the remedy is to quickly and effectively improve erective function and establish the process of ejaculation. To prevent all these situations, an effective pharmaceutical product CENFORCE D based on Viagra and Dapoxetine will help. It has a double effect on the body, thereby helping to restore the former male power.


The composition of this drug includes Dapoxetine 60 mg + Sildenafil 100 mg.

  • Sildenafil 100 mg is involved in the inhibition of the functioning of PDE-5, which leads to a deterioration in the blood filling of the penis and causes a weak erection. The effect is observed about 6 hours after taking the drug, the erection will be stable with natural arousal.
  • Dapoxetine 60 mg takes part in the correction of the activity of the brain center, which sends signals about the approach of orgasm. Thanks to him, the finish will not be so sudden.
  • Dapoxetine in combination with Viagra have different effects on the body, however, in a complex reception, they only increase the effectiveness of each other.

    Who should buy CENFORCE D

    The tool is ideal for the stronger sex, dissatisfied with the quality of erection and the duration of sexual intercourse, and also have problems with premature ejaculation.

    5 reasons to buy Cenforce D:

    • Pills do not guarantee too long sex, as they do not affect the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the duration of intercourse.
    • All processes under the influence of the drug occur naturally, stimulation is necessary when excited.
    • The cost of the CENFORCE D prolongator is lower than the price of Dapoxetine with Viagra separately.
    • It is more convenient and more profitable to take one remedy than each pill separately.
    • You will be able to enjoy sexual intercourse.

    Application and dosage

    The drug for increasing the duration of sexual intercourse is available in tablets of a light blue color in the shape of a rhombus. Oral intake, regardless of food intake. Shortly before the intended sex, approximately 1.5 hours before, it is necessary to take the correct dosage of CENFORCE D.

    In order for Viagra with Dapoxetine to give a positive result, sexual arousal and stimulation will be a prerequisite. The effect of the drug will be observed for another 6-8 hours. CENFORCE D must not be used more than once a day or in conjunction with alcoholic beverages.

    Contraindications for use

    • Taking PDE-5 drugs, antiviral drugs, antidepressants and nitrate-based drugs
    • Individual intolerance to active substances
    • Possible manifestation of allergic reactions
    • Presence of cardiovascular disease
    • Diseases of the liver or kidneys
    • Depression, neurosis and other psycho-neurological problems

    Erection pills may have undesirable manifestations, namely: nausea and other dyspeptic disorders, vasomotor rhinitis, dizziness, headache, facial flushing, tachycardia, impaired light perception.

    Buy CENFORCE D in Ukraine

    You can buy CENFORCE D at the price from the manufacturer in our online store of sports pharmacology. We know what to offer you at an affordable cost, so that the result is as fast as possible!


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