Vardenafil (Vilitra 20 mg)


  • Brand: Centurion Laboratories
  • Country of manufacture: India
  • Release form: Tablets


Vardenafil (Vilitra 20 mg)

Vardenafil is used in the treatment of potency problems that are not related to physiological problems, such as penile curvature, penile injuries, and so on.

Indications for the use of tablets for potency, the principle of action

The most important indication is erectile dysfunction. The effect of Vardenafil is due to the fact that the active substance of the drug has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles. This in turn allows blood to freely fill the cavernous bodies of the penis, leading to an erection.

Unlike other similar drugs, Vardenafil does not cause a spontaneous erection, which many men fear. The active phase occurs only when certain comfortable conditions are created, caused by tactile and psychological stimulation.

It is produced in the form of coated tablets, which dissolve well in the gastrointestinal tract and are rapidly absorbed into the blood. The maximum concentration in the blood occurs after thirty minutes an hour from the moment of taking the drug. There are no specific recommendations to take before or after meals for this remedy for potency, but it is worth knowing that fatty foods slow down the absorption of the active substance by 20% -40% over time.


As for any other drug, there are contraindications here:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system,
  • heart attacks and strokes
  • an allergic reaction to a drug
  • liver disease,
  • oncology,
  • some eye diseases
  • also not recommended for males under the age of 18.

The average dosage is ten milligrams per dose, but it can be increased to twenty milligrams. It must be taken half an hour or an hour before sexual contact.

You can buy Vardenafil in Kyiv in the Hulkshop online store at low prices. There is cash on delivery throughout Ukraine.


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