Cialis Vidalista 10 mg


  • Brand: Centurion Laboratories
  • Country of manufacture: India
  • Release form: Tablets
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Buy Cialis Vidalista 10 mg male sexual enhancement pills Contents Expand

  • Advantages and properties
  • Effect of use and dosage
  • How Generic Cialis works
  • Contraindications and adverse reactions

Problems in men on the sexual front can manifest themselves at any age and for various reasons. This happens in completely healthy people and in athletes who lead an active lifestyle, but take various steroid drugs that affect libido. The tool is widely used to combat sexual impotence. The main task is to strengthen the erection and increase the duration of sexual intercourse. The tonic effect has a positive effect on the body as a whole. You can buy Vidalista 10 mg in the online store of sports pharmacology Hulk Shop at a bargain price in one click. Advantages and properties

Thanks to the drug, blood circulation in the pelvic organs improves. Tadalafil relaxes the blood vessels, during arousal the penis becomes hard, and the duration of the erection increases. Generic also prevents early onset of ejaculation. The tablets proved to be excellent in the restoration and subsequent support of potency in athletes, bodybuilders, athletes who experience strong physical exertion in training and competition, in stressful situations. Cialis Vidalista 10mg only works with stimulation.

Effect of use and dosage

Generic VIDALISTA 10 is considered a standard dosage that can be drunk once for a stable erection immediately before sexual intercourse or a treatment course in the presence of erectile dysfunction.Vidalista begins to show its effect 40 minutes after ingestion. The erection will last for 36 hours, which will make it possible to enjoy carnal pleasures more than once.

How Generic Cialis works

Potency pills contain the selective inhibitor Tadalafil, which acts on spongy tissue during arousal, thereby causing an erection. Also, the active substance reduces muscle and vascular tone, due to which blood flow to the penis increases significantly. There should be no involuntary erection, since it occurs only as a result of natural arousal.

The male pathogen Vidalista 10 maintains a stable potency for 36 hours from the moment of taking the pill. The advantage is that there is no need to drink a magic pill every day, and you can always be ready for sex at any time for several days in a row. You need to drink a pill 30-50 minutes before the alleged sex and begin stimulation, which will speed up the process. The drug itself does not affect the level of excitation, but is effective for expressing the degree of potency. At the end of the course of taking the pills, the positive effect will be maintained for another year.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

Before taking the medicine, you should consult with your doctor to exclude the possibility of undesirable effects due to the presence of contraindications for use.

It is worth refraining from using if you have:

  • Problems with the cardiovascular system
  • Recent heart attack or stroke
  • Severe pathologies of the kidneys and liver
  • Blood diseases
  • Presence of penile deformity.

Of the adverse reactions, it is worth highlighting:

  • Headache and dizziness
  • Dyspeptic manifestations
  • Nasal congestion, rhinitis
  • Eye puffiness, light susceptibility

It is not recommended to exceed the prescribed dosages, as well as to drink tablets with alcohol, which can lead to detrimental consequences for the body.

It will not be difficult to buy Cialis Vidalista 10 mg if you are a buyer of our online store, where only the best and high-quality drugs used in sports pharmacology are always on sale.


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