Growth Hormone Neofin Aqua (Neofin Aqua)


  • Brand: MGT
  • Country of manufacture: Holland
  • Release form: bottle


Description of growth hormone Neofin Aqua

Neofin Aqua growth hormone (somatotropin) is artificially produced in the laboratory. For this, natural raw materials can be modified using genetic engineering methods. The drug is available in liquid form. To administer it, you only need an insulin syringe. The tool is not cheap, as it has unique properties. However, the result justifies the money spent on the purchase of growth hormone Neofin Aqua (Neofin Aqua). To do this, you just need to take it correctly and not change the recommended dosage.

With Neofin Aqua Growth Hormone, you can not only improve your body's metabolism, but also reduce the time it takes to build muscle. All this is due to the fact that most of the proteins are used to build muscle mass. Adipose tissue in this case accumulates in a minimal amount. However, the drug also acts as an effective fat burner. In addition, Neofin Aqua makes the skin elastic, and the bones and ligaments strong.

Buy Neofin Aqua to bond with anabolic steroids and promote cell hyperplasia throughout the body. This property is highly valued by bodybuilders and other athletes.

Indications for the use of the drug for growth retardation

  • children with somatotropin deficiency in the body,
  • girls with gonadal dysgenesis (Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome),
  • prepubertal children due to chronic renal failure,
  • children under the age of 4 years and older with a history of intrauterine growth retardation,
  • confirmed congenital or acquired somatotropin deficiency in adults (as replacement therapy).

How should I take Neofin Aqua

In most cases, hormonal drugs are used to build muscle tissue. To get the maximum effect, you must complete the full course. You can buy Neofin Aqua on our website. We guarantee fast and convenient delivery with the possibility of payment upon receipt at the new post office.

HGH is best taken in combination with Clenbuterol. It can also be combined with steroids or insulin. Somatotropin must be stored in the refrigerator.

Reception course Neofin Aqua

For best results, Neofin Aqua should be taken for at least three months and no more than six. The minimum daily dose should be 5-10 units. It can be divided into 2 injections. This will help accelerate muscle hypertrophy. For beginners, a dose of 4-5 units is enough. But this is only for beginners. Daily doses of less than 10 units for seriously training athletes are too small and do not give the desired effect.

By purchasing Neofin Aqua, you can not only build muscle mass, but also speed up your metabolism. To get the best effect when taking the drug, you need to eat every two hours (that is, at least 8 times a day). The diet should be filled with plenty of foods containing proteins and vitamins. In addition, food should be high in minerals, carbohydrates and fats.


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