Growth hormone Somatin (Somatin)


  • Brand: Biofarma
  • Country of manufacture: Ukraine
  • Release form: bottle
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Buy Somatine as an effective growth hormone to create a pumped up body

Somatin (somatotropin) is a powerful metabolic hormone that plays an important role in the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins. Athletes choose it as an additional source of growth hormone to maintain an ideal body structure, accelerate muscle and bone growth, and burn body fat.

The term "growth hormone" itself implies a peptide hormone of the pituitary gland, which is used in bodybuilding, bodybuilding, athletics, due to the ability to quickly build up relief due to the growth of muscle mass and fat burning. Scientists have proven that somatotropin (the name of the active substance of the drug) has a positive effect on connective tissues due to the accumulation of fluid in the body.

An important advantage that domestic athletes want to buy Somatin for personal use is to reduce the risk of injuries and bruises during intensive training or visiting the gym. The use of growth hormone promotes healing and tissue regeneration.

Benefits and effectiveness of taking the drug

Initially, this remedy was produced only as a medicine that was used to treat dwarfism, growth retardation and pituitary dwarfism. As time passed, Somatin also found its application in the field of sports. First of all, because of the rapid set of dry muscle mass and a decrease in body fat. The history of the manufacture of the drug says that in ancient times, human corpses were the main source of its production.And only since 1982, an artificial growth hormone somatotropin has been found.

Among the advantages are:

  • Increased increase in lean muscle mass,
  • Effective fat burning
  • Improving the appearance of muscles and its volume,
  • Increasing vitality and stamina,
  • Healing effect, in case of damage and injuries,
  • Improving the condition of tendons and joints,
  • Immunity boost,
  • Fights depression, improves mood,
  • Normalizes blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels,
  • Body rejuvenation.

Somatine price in Hulk Shop – the best offer in Ukraine

Due to its affordable cost, the drug has become available for use by every athlete. The product range of the online store offers a wide range of sports pharmacology at affordable prices. In recent years, the demand for this tool has not been much stronger, it has increased, because it began to be used in bodybuilding. In combination with other anabolics, it will be possible to achieve good results in sports bodybuilding. When taken correctly, the body will become much stronger, more beautiful and more resilient.

Side effects from taking Somatin

Despite the fact that Somatin growth hormone does not have pronounced side effects, it is still recommended to consult a doctor and trainer before use.

With proper distribution and compliance with the dosage, the effects are not manifested. In isolated cases, there are:

  • Headache.
  • Weakness.
  • An increase in blood and urine sugar levels.
  • Hypothyroidism. In this case, replacement therapy with thyroid group drugs should be used.
  • Local reaction at the injection site.
  • With a hereditary predisposition to diabetes, it is recommended to regularly check the level of sugar in the body.

Reducing the dose of Somatina allows you to get rid of side effects.

Recommended dosages and contraindications

Somatin is injected subcutaneously or intramuscularly, slowly, usually in the evening or in the morning on an empty stomach, you should not eat for about half an hour to an hour after the injection. It is necessary to put injections in places where there is a lot of fatty tissue, for example, in the abdomen, shoulder, thigh, upper quadrant of the annual muscle. Each time it is tedious to inject in a new place in order to avoid the development of lipoatrophy.

Solution preparation

The powdered contents of the vial should be dissolved in 1 ml of special water, based on the dose. In a syringe, preferably insulin, draw up a solvent, pass it into a vial, mix until a homogeneous consistency is formed. It is not recommended to shake vigorously to avoid possible denaturation of the active components of the drug. Store the diluted substance in the vial in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days.

Somatina contraindications include:

  • Presence of tumors.
  • The presence of respiratory failure.
  • In case of hypersensitivity to the active substance or other components of the drug.
  • Pregnancy.

In case of an overdose of Somatin, hypoglycemia may occur, followed by a transition to hyperglycemia (insulin resistance). Also, with prolonged use, there were cases of gigantism, acromegaly.

For those who want to buy Somatin Kyiv, we recommend using the offer of the Hulk Shop online store of sports pharmacology, where a wide selection of anabolics, steroids, growth hormones and other drugs for athletes is offered for sale.


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