

  • Brand: Special Force Pharm
  • Country of manufacture: USA
  • Release form: Capsules
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Radarine + Ibutamoren Complex Contents Expand

  • Ibutamoren + Radarine course intake table
  • The role of Radarin and Ibutamoren in the complex
  • The effect of the course on the body
  • Benefits of the course Radarol + Ibutamoren
  • Buy a course of Radarin and Ibutamoren inexpensively

Rad 140 + MK 677 – an anabolic cycle that does not involve the use of steroids. Its main goal is to enhance muscle growth and strength performance. It is considered a completely safe combination of substances for use, the main task of which is to accelerate the hypertrophy of muscle tissues, increase resistance to stress, promote weight loss, high-quality drying and relief. By taking the tablets, athletes, namely bodybuilders, powerlifters and weightlifters will feel an explosive increase in muscle mass after the first application.

Ibutamoren + Radarine course intake table

A week

Ibutamoren capsules/per day

Radarine capsules/per day


























56 capsules

56 capsules

The role of Radarin and Ibutamoren in the complex

Radarin or Rad 140 – is a modulator of androgens and their receptors, takes part in the activation of testosterone in muscle fibers. It contributes to the rapid recovery of muscles, increasing them in volume.

Ibutamoren is a ghrelin receptor agonist. Its task is to induce receptors that are located in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. This leads to an increase in the production of somatotropin.Since the funds do not compete with each other, but act together, it will be possible to get the most effective result! Ibutamoren accelerates the growth processes in the muscles, due to which the muscles become embossed, and are perfectly drawn through the skin. And also: regenerates the strength of tendons, ligaments and joints, increases the mineralization of musculoskeletal tissue

The effect of the course on the body

Radium + Ibutamoren is the best course for mass gain in terms of efficiency, which is safe and fast! Since the drugs do not fall into the category of peptides and steroids, they do not dull the production of their own sex hormones, do not cause hormonal failure, and also do not affect the functioning of internal organs.

The main effects of taking the course:

  • Boosting muscle protein synthesis
  • Acceleration of fat burning
  • Increasing energy reserves
  • Prevention of protein breakdown
  • Gain in strength and endurance
  • Rehabilitation after injury and intensive training
  • Adaptation of the body to increasing stress

Benefits of the course Radarol + Ibutamoren

  • Small risk of side effects such as gynecomastia or weakened hair follicles leading to baldness. Potency and the reproductive system as a whole do not suffer from taking drugs.
  • The high efficiency and synergy of the active substances of the product will ensure an accelerated growth in sports results in a short period of time.
  • There is no drug withdrawal syndrome.
  • After the end of taking this course of Sarms, the weight gained is maintained.
  • Buy a course of Radarin and Ibutamoren inexpensively

    Buying ready-made courses is much more profitable than using each drug separately! If you want to get real results of your own efforts, and training alone is not enough for this, we recommend that you buy a mass course in our Hulk shop online store, which will help you unlock your anabolic potential!


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