Lipo-Fire (SP Lipo-fire)


  • Brand: SP Laboratories
  • Country of manufacture: Moldova
  • Release form: bottle
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  • Description. Lipo Fire for weight loss
  • Lipo-Fire instructions. How to apply

Description and effect of Lipo-Fire SP Laboratories

The main feature of lipo fire sp buy is local fat burning in problem areas! It contains Clenbuterol (athlete's jargon for clen) and was originally developed to treat asthma. As well as Yohimbine, known for its fat burning properties. This combination allowed us to get impressive results, both for non-athlete girls in problem areas, where fat is the worst to lose, and for professionals.

At the moment, it is often used by athletes of different levels to achieve maximum muscle relief. Thanks to this drug (proper nutrition and training), many fat carcasses have become a role model for normal athletes.

It is used not only for weight loss, but also on the course itself, to give the body maximum muscle rigidity, or at the end of the course, to consolidate the gained kilograms and reduce cortisol levels.

For the full effect of clenbuterol, you should follow certain rules in nutrition, saturate the diet with proteins and lower the amount of carbohydrates to the desired level, use a training program with a bias in cardio loads. This drug has side effects such as trembling, which often manifests itself in the first days of taking.

Actually, ketotifen comes to the rescue here, which should be used at night. Like any other fat burner, clenbuterol increases sweating.

How to take for weight loss, Lipo-Fire SP Laboratories instructions

Lipo fire how to take – it should be injected like a peptide – with an insulin needle, the drug is made on a water basis. We recommend starting at 40 units per day in the morning on an empty stomach, preferably before training.

You need to inject into problem areas, if you want to burn fat on the stomach or sides, then first inject 20 units into the left and right parts of the abdomen from the navel. Also in the sides and hips, then you can raise the dosage and look at how you feel.

Injections are best done on training days, as the drug releases fat molecules and they enter the bloodstream, and with the help of training you finally get rid of them.

Women should use lower dosages than men, but it's best to see how you feel and add ketotifen. Duration 3-4 weeks with the condition of using ketotifen, without it 2 weeks.

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