Primobolan Depot


  • Brand: BioLINE
  • Country of manufacture: Bulgaria
  • Release form: bottle
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Primobolan is the perfect medicine for drying

Primobolan is considered to be a very popular remedy, as it has shown high effects in the process of drying the muscles. In addition, it quickly improves athletes' performance and physical performance. Primobolan is chosen by all athletes, as it has a weak effect and one hundred percent there are no bad manifestations when using it. Athletes who have already at least once resorted to the help of a means for enhanced physical training could see an improvement in the relief of muscle mass, with a clear venous drawing.

The efficacy of Primobolan Depot

Many strongmen want to buy Primobolan in order to dry and preserve the already existing muscle mass in an ideal form. Also Primobolan Depot shows amazing symptoms in combination with other remedies. The growth of the qualitative relief will certainly be significant and will remain after the passage of the cycle for a long period of time. Because it differs in a mild androgenic effect, it does not belong to the group of anabolic steroids.

Primobolan will allow you to achieve such reactions:

  • Increasing the concentration of endurance,
  • Strength gain in muscle density,
  • Muscle drying with excellent venous drawing,
  • Slow, but high-quality muscle growth.
  • In the pharmaceutical market, Primobolan has the opportunity to meet in 2 forms of release of pills and injections. But to achieve optimal results, it is better to drink the product in injections, since it is much stronger in action, and it is less toxic to the liver.

    Steroid Features

    What is the uniqueness of Primobolan? The drug has no relatives. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the anabolic steroid cannot be converted into estrogen. This helps to prevent such bad consequences as acne, swelling of the mammary glands and the accumulation of water in the body. However, one should not assume that there is no need for post-cycle therapy if bad reactions are not so pronounced.

    Primobolan course will allow you to get the desired effect in a short period of time. It perfectly accumulates nitrogen and does not cause swelling due to zero water retention, which makes it indispensable for drying. The steroid does an excellent job of preserving muscle fibers and rapidly removes excess fluid. In most cases, it does not affect sexual desire. However, there may be exceptions in the form of a drop in libido in athletes who overdose or use it for more than the specified period.

    Rules for use and dose

    It is believed that Primobolan works best during a course that lasts 8 months. The allowable dose of the active substance for strongmen beginners is 400 mg per week. For the most experienced athletes, it is allowed to increase the dosage to 1000 mg per week.

    Since the active substance is considered to be nothing more than an ester, bodybuilders in most cases use it once a week. Some choose to break its use into several injections. The price of Primobolan is quite affordable, so that bodybuilders can afford to go through a full cycle of the drug.

    In parallel with the use of the drug, it would be nice to use post-cycle therapy 3 weeks after the end of the intake.

    Primobolan Solo Course Schedule

    A week

    Primobolan mg/week



















    Possibility of occurrence of unpleasant manifestations

    Before taking a course of Primobolan solo, bodybuilders should consider the appropriateness of its use, and also take care of safety. This product among bodybuilders and representatives of other sports disciplines is one of the safest, after all, it does not cause bad reactions.

    Incorrect reception can cause such negative reactions as:

    • male pattern baldness,
    • The appearance of increased hairiness in girls,
    • An increase in the level of bad cholesterol, which can be prevented by proper dietary nutrition,
    • A slight decrease in the production of natural testosterone.

    In order to prevent adverse side effects, it is worth adhering to the rules of consumption and not exceeding the prescribed doses.

    Where to buy Primobolan in Ukraine?

    The cost of Primobolan fluctuates depending on the trade brand produced by this remedy. In our online store of sports pharmacology hulk shop there is an opportunity to buy steroid courses and other drugs at a great price and in the highest quality.


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