Primobolan (Primobol)


  • Brand: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
  • Country of manufacture: Moldova
  • Release form: bottle
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Buy Primobolan

Buy Primobolan (Primobol) manufactured by Balkan Pharma should be considered a soft steroid. At the same time, it is an excellent drying tool. Learn how to properly use Primobol.

Primobolan produces a mild effect on the body and its main task is to give the muscles an additional relief. The drug contains methenolone esters as an active ingredient. It can be successfully used by beginners as a first steroid drug.

Effects Primobolan price

The main distinguishing feature of Primobolan price is the inability to turn into estradiol. This not only eliminates the corresponding side effects, but also makes the steroid an excellent tool for a drying cycle. It should also be mentioned that Primobolan price will appeal to many athletes. Let's highlight the most significant effects of the drug:

  • Improved muscle quality
  • Power characteristics increase
  • Accelerates metabolism,
  • Muscle mass is well protected from catabolic processes.

Application of Primobolan

The duration of taking Primobolan solo is usually two months. An increase in this period will not bring an increase in the effectiveness of the cycle, but will only increase the risk of side effects.

Athletes are advised to use anabolic in an amount of 0.05 to 0.1 grams when using a tablet preparation and 0.4 grams for injections. Tablets must be taken daily, and it is enough to give an injection once a week.

If you decide to buy Primobolan course (Primobol) for a mass-gaining course, then the best combinations in this case are testosterone esters and deca. If you use Primobolan solo together with Winstrol, you can increase the efficiency of the drying cycle.

Side effects Primobolan (Primobol) Balkan Pharmaceuticals

The drug is one of the safest AAS. Side effects when using it are possible in exceptional cases when using mega doses. If you follow the above dosages, you can not be afraid of side effects.

On our website you will buy the original Primobolan (Primobol) Balkan Pharmaceuticals, our consultants will help you choose the best course of administration for your amount.


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