Propionate ZPHC


  • Brand: Zhengzhou Pharmaceutical
  • Country of manufacture: China
  • Release form: bottle
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Buy testosterone propionate for use in power sports

Testosterone propionate is considered an androgenic-anabolic anabolic, which is often used not only in bodybuilding, but also in other sports, where a pronounced increase in speed, strength and endurance is also welcomed. This form was the first ether and the only one in medicine, which was widely used in medicine until 1960. Many bodybuilders try to buy testosterone propionate for benefits such as low side effects, lean mass gains, and strength gains. This is an indispensable product in the preparatory stage for the competition.

Features of the drug

Propionate is considered the shortest ester, so injections often have to be done, which may not be very convenient. However, after the first injection, the bodybuilder will begin to feel a surge of explosive power, which is due to the lightning-fast increase in the content of the hormone in the bloodstream. Upon completion of taking the steroid, the bodybuilder will not feel tired for a long time during intense loads. Undoubtedly, the instant result of the drug is considered its main advantage, but before buying testosterone propionate, it is worth remembering that it has a fast half-life.

The main advantage of ether over other varieties is the set of effective dry mass. The rollback phenomenon at the end of the cycle is practically insignificant. Here lies a direct relationship with the fact that the steroid does not accumulate water.Muscle growth, although weak, compared to other ethers, but the muscles are extremely high quality.

Since not every strongman can afford to buy testosterone propionate, it is used in the drying cycle, and not for gaining muscle mass.

Mechanism of action of testosterone propionate ZPHC

The effectiveness of ZPHC propionate is directly related to dosage. There are several variations of its use, which are designed to achieve different results. For a full build-up of muscle mass, ether is used in combination with retabolil. At a dose of 100 mg 1-2 times a week. The duration of the course is 6 weeks.

On the drying cycle, the recommended dose for use is 50 mg of propionate, in combination with 25 mg of stanozolol.

Buy testosterone propionate is also preferred for use on a solo cycle to increase lean mass. To do this, it is used for 5 weeks, 50 mg daily.

Proper use of the steroid will show such positive results:

  • strengthening muscle mass,
  • An increase in muscle tissue, which leads to the creation of a dense muscle mass,
  • increased libido,
  • Reducing the amount of fat.

Instructions for using the ZPHC cycle

A week

Propionate ZPHC mg/week



















Unwanted Symptoms

You can buy propionate in the web store if you understand what goal you want to achieve. Before taking, you should familiarize yourself with the undesirable effect of the substance on the body. If you do not follow the scheme of use, then there is the possibility of experiencing unpleasant symptoms. The most common complaints among strongmen are:

  • Pain, itching, redness and swelling at the injection site,
  • acne,
  • gynecomastia,
  • hirsutism,
  • Baldness,
  • Masculinization in women.

All these effects are associated with the aromatization of propionate and its transformation into estrogens. Aas also suppresses the production of natural testosterone in the body. It will take a couple of months to recover. This will help the passage of the true pkt. You can buy testosterone propionate at any time if you contact a trusted web store that sells high-quality sports pharmacology for this.

Where to buy cheap propionate?

Newcomers to bodybuilding who want to experience the effect of this ether and improve the quality of muscles are trying to buy testosterone propionate. You can buy testosterone propionate at an affordable price on the hulk shop website with immediate shipment to any city in USA. It is also possible to buy testosterone which contains the rest of the esters used in powerlifting. We will provide assistance regarding the selection of pharmaceutical products. You can pay for the goods by cash on delivery or make an advance payment. To improve physical fitness and strength indicators, seek help only from high-quality drugs.


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