Turinabol (Turanabol)


  • Brand: Balkan Pharmaceuticals
  • Country of manufacture: Moldova
  • Release form: Tablets
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  • Description
  • Turinabol course
  • A little history about turinabol
  • Turinabol reviews

On this page, we offer you to buy Turinabol from the well-known manufacturer Balkan Pharmaceuticals. Many beginners confuse turinabol with methandienone because they have similarities in chemical composition and effects on the body. But methane and turinabol have differences, turik has an additional chlorine atom, with the help of which it has a pronounced anabolic property. To buy Turinabol, and at the same time to get maximum efficiency without any serious harm to health, has made Turinabol a very popular drug among professional athletes and novice athletes.

This anabolic in its beginnings was used only in light disciplines, but in terms of its performance, it surpassed itself and began to be actively used in bodybuilding, powerlifting and other strength sports. Features Turinabol Balkans:

  • Side effects are reduced to almost zero
  • Ability to combine with different steroids
  • Does not retain fluid in the muscles
  • Complete preservation of muscle mass

Turinabol course

Turinabol course can be combined, and in most cases it is taken solo. But in combination with other drugs, such as testosterone propionate or cypionate, masteron and many other steroid drugs, the course of turinabol has a much greater effect on strength and endurance during training.

Turinabol solo makes sense to take as a short flight of stairs and throughout the course of one dosage. In the table below, the ladder reception is shown

A week Number of tablets per day 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 3 5 4 6 4 7 4 8 2

The duration of the course of turinabol solo is 6-12 weeks, but the golden mean is 8 weeks. Beginners are not recommended to exceed the barrier of use for more than eight weeks.

A little history about turinabol

There is an interesting story of its origin around Turinabol. A German scientist synthesized turik around 1962-1963. The Genepharm company was engaged in the implementation of this drug. Like all sports pharmacology, the drug was created exclusively for medical purposes. But in the 90s, turinabol began to appear as a key steroid drug used by sportsmen and athletes in Germany in preparation for the Olympic Games. With the help of Turinabol, a large number of world records were set.

Steroid Profile :

  • The amount of androgenic activity – 50%
  • Anabolic activity 180%
  • Complete absence of aromatization i.e. conversion to estrogen
  • Moderate liver toxicity
  • Taking the drug orally
  • Approximate half-life of about sixteen hours
  • Detection up to nine months
  • Turinabol reviews

    Many bodybuilders and professional athletes note that turinabol, unlike methane, practically does not retain water. Everyone speaks of good strength indicators, an increase in endurance and an increase in quality, which is important for bodybuilders, dry mass. It has also been noticed by many that turinabol, the active substance of which is 4 chlorodehydromethyltestosterone, has the ability to increase the level of its own test in the blood.

    In our store, we offer to buy Turinabol USA from Balkan Pharmaceuticals at a price of 749 hryvnia. There is also an opportunity to buy turinabol at once 3 packs with a 10% discount, the price of which is 2022 hryvnia. You can get a free consultation by contacting the manager via any type of communication convenient for you.

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