Viagra Cenforce Professional


  • Brand: Centurion Laboratories
  • Country of manufacture: India
  • Release form: Tablets
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Information for those who want to buy Cenforce Professional Contents Expand

  • The action of the drug
  • Application and dosage
  • Contraindications and side effects
  • Where to buy Cenforce Professional?

The body of a man is not eternal and, unfortunately, due to the presence of constant stress and fatigue, but wears out quickly. This is where health problems come in. Fatigue has a direct relationship with potency, which means that sexual life suffers. To solve this problem, humanity came to the invention of Viagra. This is a unique kind of drug that quickly and efficiently returns a man to his former strength.

The action of the drug

Most often, the remedy is used only by men, regardless of age, who have a decrease in libido and a deterioration in potency. Cenforce Professional is the perfect assistant to be on top in any situation! This is not just a complete help in lifting the penis, but also preventive measures to improve the functioning of the erectile system. The mechanism of action on the body is natural, blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases, due to which a stable erection will be ensured. Taking the drug also blocks the work of certain systems of the penis, which leads to prolonged arousal.

Application and dosage

Cenforce Professional consists of the active substance Sildenafil citrate, which affects sexual function. The effect of the drug lasts about 4-6 hours, during which time a person can get several orgasms and give pleasure to himself and his partner.The main feature of the reception is that Viagra should be taken 10-30 minutes before sex, putting it under the tongue until completely absorbed. Does not need additional stimulation. With foreplay, the process will be accelerated, the penis will get a firm erection and will be ready for action.

To achieve the desired result, the tablets should be taken after meals. It is also worth remembering that fatty foods interfere with the absorption of the active substance, which means it also reduces efficiency.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is strictly prohibited to use:

  • With alcoholic drinks. This may exacerbate possible adverse reactions.
  • Persons under the age of majority and the elderly
  • Patients with severe pathologies of the liver and kidneys
  • With diabetes
  • Presence of cardiovascular diseases such as ischemia
  • Previous heart attacks and strokes

Undesirable reactions may include:

  • Nausea with bouts of vomiting, abdominal pain
  • Headaches, dizziness
  • Drowsiness, lethargy, apathy
  • Nasal congestion
  • Chest pain, etc.
  • Allergic reactions of an individual nature

You can avoid the manifestation of side effects if you follow a clear dosage and do not take more than 1 tablet of Cenforce Professional per day. 100 mg of Sildenafil is the maximum safe dose for the body.

Where to buy Cenforce Professional?

Buying a drug will not be something difficult, because there is our online sports pharmacology store Hulk Shop, where everyone can buy the necessary remedy to improve potency at competitive prices.


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