Winstrol oil (PRIME)


  • Brand: Prime Labs
  • Country of manufacture: Poland
  • Release form: bottle
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Key benefits of Winstrol oil (PRIME)

  • muscle relief,
  • fat burning,
  • Significant increase in strength and endurance,
  • Strengthening of bone tissue
  • Quick set of muscle mass (up to 10 kg with regular strength training),
  • increased appetite,
  • Removal of water from the body
  • Security.

Side effects of Winstrol oil (PRIME)

  • joint pain
  • High blood pressure
  • Painful injections.

Combination of Winstrol oil (PRIME) with other drugs

Winstrol perfectly combines with other steroids such as Parabolan, Turinabol, Primobolan, Testosterone Propionate and increases their effectiveness.

Side effects with such combinations are quite rare, which allows you to achieve the desired result much faster.

To quickly and safely increase muscle mass and reduce overall body weight without water accumulation, Winstrol oil (PRIME) + Anavar is considered the best combination.

For bodybuilders and powerlifters, the best combination is Winstrot + Trenbolone Acetate + Testosterone Propionate.

Method of application and dosage

The dosage is prescribed strictly individually for each specific drug, depending on the level of training and the goal of the athlete.

The main rule for achieving fast and high-quality results is a systematic approach and compliance with all dosages and recommendations.

Highly qualified specialists of the online store of sports pharmacology Hulkshop will help you choose the necessary drugs for the course and PCT, and give practical advice on taking and dosing drugs for athletes of any level of training.

The recommended dosage of Winstrol is 100 mg once every two days.

The minimum dose is 150 mg twice a week.

The duration of the course at this dosage is 6-9 weeks.

You can buy Winstrol oil (PRIME) and other anabolics at affordable prices in the Hulkshop online store, we will provide fast delivery to anywhere in Ukraine.


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