Winstrol, stanozolol (Strombaject aqua)
Strombaject Aqua is produced by the Moldovan Balkan Pharm factory, a stanazolol-based drug, similar in action to Winstrol, Strombaject Aqua, like Winstrol, is used to build high-quality muscle mass without water accumulation in the body, and to reduce body fat. Strombaject Aqua in injectable form is absorbed very quickly in the body, because athletes inject it every other day or every day, dosages usually do not exceed 50-100 mg per day. this drug achieves a minimal accumulation of fatty tissues in the body, so this drug is indispensable for anything.
Destination Winstrol, stanozolol (Strombaject aqua)
Strombaject Aqua is an infectious preparation for burning fat layers, to increase strength indicators, and significantly increase endurance in training – Strombaject Aqua has all these qualities, it can also be used in mass-gaining courses, Strombaject Aqua from balkan is perfectly combined with drugs such as anadrol, testosterone , or methane, this combination will give a significant anabolic effect with a low estrogenic effect on the body.
Dosage of Winstrol, stanozolol (Strombaject aqua)
The dosage of Strombaject Aqua, as mentioned above, is 50-100 mg per day, the average duration of the course is approximately 6-9 weeks, during which time you can gain approximately 8 kg of muscle mass and burn fat.
Side effects
The side effects of Strombaject Aqua are minimal, as this drug is highly anabolic and minimally androgenic, so side effects are extremely rare, in some cases it is possible to increase blood cholesterol and increase pressure in the body. Strombaject Aqua from the Balkans is not aromatized and does not require PCT after the course.
On our website you can purchase the original Strombaject Aqua from balkan pharm, our consultants will always help you choose and buy a course.
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