Cialis Vidalista CT Soft 20 mg


  • Brand: Centurion Laboratories
  • Country of manufacture: India
  • Release form: Tablets
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Buy Vidalista CT Soft 20 mg for erectile dysfunction

  • Who is Cialis soft Vidalista ct suitable for?
  • Mechanism of action of Vidalista ct Soft
  • Application and dosage
  • Compatibility with alcoholic beverages
  • Side effects and the algorithm of action when they occur
  • Contraindications
  • Where to buy the drug for potency Vidalista CT Soft 20 mg

Buy Vidalista ct Soft is a modern drug, the purpose of which is to solve sexual problems in men of different age groups. This is a high-quality and inexpensive generic Cialis, with a pronounced effect, and an affordable price. The release form is a tablet that has a pleasant taste, which is dispersed in the mouth, which provides an immediate effect.

Who is Cialis soft Vidalista ct suitable for?

The tool is suitable for the stronger sex aged 18 to 65 years, who have pronounced symptoms:

  • poor potency, caused by psychological and physiological failures,
  • the presence of a sluggish erection, which makes it impossible to get a good orgasm,
  • weak stamina during intercourse.
  • The use of pills not only improves the quality of sex, but also increases its duration by several times. At the same time, the sensations during orgasm become brighter.

    Mechanism of action of Vidalista ct Soft

    The main active substance is tadalafil citrate, a PDE-5 inhibitor. Its effect on the body promotes the release of nitric oxide and an increase in vascular patency. This leads to increased blood flow to the penis. When sexual arousal sets in, a firm erection appears, with which sex will be complete.Unauthorized effect is unacceptable without additional stimulation.

    Application and dosage

    The composition of Cialis Vidalista ct Soft includes 20 mg of tadalafil, which is considered the average daily dosage. You can take one tablet every 24 hours. It is recommended to start with &frac12, a dose divided in half. Do not exceed the dose, as this can lead to unpleasant and even sometimes unsafe consequences. The tablet does not need to be taken with liquid, as it is kept under the tongue until it is completely resorbed.

    Compatibility with alcoholic beverages

    Taking the drug with alcohol is prohibited, since it affects the effectiveness, reducing the effect of the active substance. You should not combine a course of tablets with medications such as: antidepressants, nitrates, painkillers, sleeping pills. This method of application gives a quick effect, which can be observed after 10-15 minutes. You can feel the effect of the drug within 36 hours, which is an invaluable advantage of the remedy.

    Side effects and the algorithm of action when they occur

    The frequency of people taking tadalafil have complaints of various side effects associated with taking the drug. Although, due to safety and non-toxicity, the possibility of their manifestation is minimal.

    However, the body responds:

    • headache and dizziness,
    • back and lumbar pain,
    • bouts of nausea and dyspepsia,
    • apathy and lethargy.

    Such adverse reactions quickly disappear after discontinuation of the drug.


    Precautions for taking Vidalista ct Soft 20 mg:

    • individual intolerance to the components,
    • minors,
    • female representatives.

    There are a number of certain diseases, and for health reasons, the treatment of erectile dysfunction is prohibited, namely:

    • cardiovascular pathologies (angina pectoris, hypertension, ischemia),
    • diseases of the circulatory system,
    • kidney and liver failure,
    • history of stroke and heart attack
    • Peyronie's disease, congenital and acquired deformities of the penis.

    Where to buy the drug for potency Vidalista CT Soft 20 mg

    Buy Cialis Vidalista CT Soft 20 mg can anyone who looks into our online store Hulkshop. We have the best prices, fast delivery and a wide range of pharmacological products that will help solve various problems!


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