Dapoxetine 90 mg


  • Brand: Sunrise Remedies
  • Country of manufacture: India
  • Release form: Tablets


Buy Dapoxetine Poxet 90 mg to solve problems in intimate life

When problems of a sexual nature appear and disrupt the harmony of life in men of different age categories, they think about finding a solution to the problem, in the hope of returning to full sexual intimacy. Our modern medicine offers a reliable and effective way to combat erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, in the form of tablets to increase potency Dapoxetine Poxet 90 mg.

The mechanism of action of Dapoxetine Poxet 90

Poxet 90 kicks off action in the brain, giving it signals to block the production of the happiness hormone (serotonin). It delays and leads to a slowdown in orgasm and ejaculation. Taking the drug will help to quickly and efficiently establish relationships and bring potency back to normal.

A long-term effect will be possible only if there is a sexual partner. The action of the drug does not stop during sex, which is very important, because the erection will be persistent for 4-5 hours, which will make it possible to get more than one orgasm.

Application and dosage

Start taking the drug should be from half, slowly increasing the dose to a whole tablet, washed down with water. It is best to drink the drug half an hour before the start of the intended sexual intercourse. The maximum daily dose is 90 mg. Failure to comply with prescriptions can lead to side effects. The first effect can be felt as early as one or two hours after taking Dapoxetine. It quickly leaves your body during the day and does not linger in it.

Side effects

Rarely, but unwanted reactions may appear in different body systems:

  • dizziness and headache,
  • digestive disorders,
  • discoloration of the skin of the face, sensation of hot flashes,
  • drops in blood pressure.

If at least one of the listed symptoms appears, it is necessary to stop taking the medication.


The drug is considered safe and does not harm the human body. However, nevertheless, there are certain contraindications that you should familiarize yourself with before using Dapoxetine Poxet 90 mg tablets:

  • the presence of neuropsychiatric disorders,
  • kidney or liver failure,
  • cardiovascular disease, heart attacks or strokes,
  • arterial hypertension,
  • low blood pressure,
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug,
  • taking medicines such as erythromycin, tramadol, St. John's wort, medicines for migraine, depression, schizophrenia, HIV infections,
  • the use of alcoholic beverages.

Where to buy Dapoxetine Poxet 90 mg tablets?

The drug is popular and in demand among men, in particular among athletes involved in bodybuilding. This is facilitated by the advantages of pharmaceutical means:

  • affordable price,
  • order anonymity,
  • you can buy in the online store,
  • delivery to all cities of the country.

You order Dapoxetine Poxet 90 mg on our Hulkshop website without leaving your home. Here you will find only high-quality drugs that have found their application in sports pharmacology!


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