Generic Cialis (Vidalista 40 mg)


  • Brand: Centurion Laboratories
  • Country of manufacture: India
  • Release form: Tablets
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Buy Cialis Vidalista 40 mg – fast-acting drug for potency

Gone are the days when men suffered from sexual impotence, and their life without sex was routine and boring. Modern medicine has been able to return the former sensations due to drugs for potency, which act quickly and effectively, eliminating erectile problems. Buying Cialis Vidalista 40 mg is the best solution for overweight men who are not helped by the smaller existing dosages.

The mechanism of action on the body

Generic Cialis is produced by the world famous pharmaceutical company of Indian origin Centurion Laboratories. Vidalista 40 affects the reproductive system of the stronger sex. Improves the sex life of those who are overweight. Also, taking the drug is relevant for bodybuilders and weightlifters whose body weight exceeds 100 kg.

Vidalista 40 is a blocker of the PDE-5 enzyme, which provides blood flow to the genitals. The drug is based on Tadalafil at a dosage of 40 mg, which is able to cope with the hyper tone of the muscles and blood vessels of the genital organ. With natural arousal, men will feel blood filling and hardening of the penis, ready for sex at any moment. The duration of the drug will be about 32 hours, so that the number of sexual acts can increase up to several times. The number of erections is individual and depends on the activation of the man's libido.

Dosage and features of admission

Yellow Vidalista 40 mg potency tablets are convenient for oral use. There are 10 pieces in a blister, which will be enough for 2 weeks once a day, depending on the frequency of use.

Men whose weight does not exceed 100 kg are recommended to take ½ tablet per day, regardless of food intake, one hour before sex.

Persons weighing over 150 kg Cialis 40 mg – 1 tablet one hour before sexual intercourse with plenty of water.

For the initial intake, it is recommended to take a quarter of the tablet in order to evaluate the effect and reduce the possibility of unwanted effects.

Contraindications for use

Although Vidalista 40 has a pronounced effect, it also has a number of precautions for use that must be considered before starting.

  • Any allergic manifestations to the components of the drug.
  • Presence of cardiovascular disease.
  • Pathology of the kidneys, liver.
  • Taking a drug based on nitrates and nitric oxide.
  • Age up to 18 and after 65 years.
  • Do not neglect the recommendations so as not to encounter side effects in the future.

Adverse reactions

Like other drugs, the generic has its drawbacks in the form of side effects that quickly disappear on their own after the drug is discontinued or the dose is reduced.

May appear:

  • Obstruction of the nasal passages.
  • Visual disturbances, light susceptibility.
  • Redness of the face.
  • Severe headache and dizziness.
  • Eruptions on the skin.
  • Pain in the back or lower back.
  • Pressure surges.

If, after lowering the dosage, the reactions do not disappear, it is worth refusing to use this remedy, replacing it with another one.

Where to buy Generic Cialis Vidalista 40mg?

You can order a high-quality and highly effective drug for potency, an analogue of Cialis 40, in our Halkshop online store, where the main advantage of the purchase will be a pleasant price and fast delivery. We do everything to ensure that our customers stay with us for a long time, remain satisfied not only physically, but also mentally!


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